Blend InfoTech an ISO certified skill and career academy based in Pune, Over a decade we have trained more than 8000 students in various field of I.T., Design and Animation.We are having our Corporate Office at Pune. Blend is a company started by a group of professionals with vision to excel in the field of IT and IT Related Services, like Training, Software Development, Web Development, Consultancy, Placements etc. The group was started way back in 2007 handling major IT training program.
At BLEND we realize that not all students learn at the same pace. In a classroom of more than Ten students, certain students will get left behind because of the lack of communication between the students and the Trainer. That’s why we at Blend utilizes a hands-on approach in all of our classes. Our student-instructor relationships ensure that no student’s time is wasted. Each student has ample opportunity within the class to get one-on-one discussion with trainer and review for any topics covered in course.

What Student Says

What Student Says

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What we do?

We offer comprehensive certification and HIGH-END training programs for IT students, professionals in business, education, and other fields.

To know more about out IT Training Program

Our Trainers

Blend always care for quality of Education and Training. All Blend InfoTech trainers are fully qualified, certified and highly experienced in their respective fields. We work with cutting edge technology by using latest IT Tools.

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Corporate Training

Training is one of the most crucial aspects in the deployment of IT services. Blend offers corporate training for various organizations. We offer solutions as per the specific requirement of the company.

For Corporate Training Call:(Mr.Shaikh) :898 300 8772

Corporate Training

Corporate Training


1st Floor, Deccan Corner,
Opp. R-Deccan Mall/ KFC,
Near Deccan Bus stop
J.M Road, Deccan,
Shivaji Nagar, Pune- 04.
Office: 020-48618772,
Cell: 8087088772

Akurdi (Nigdi) (HO)

7/1 Shreeyash Building,
Opp. Akurdi Railway Station,
Dharmaraj Chowk.
Nigdi (Akurdi) Pune-44

Mob: 8793008772

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